Synplify Pro Utilize More Processors
synplify pro utilize more processors

  1. Synplify Pro Utilize More Processors Software Extensively During#
  2. Synplify Pro Utilize More Processors Manual And Set#
  3. Synplify Pro Utilize More Processors Free From Any#

Synplify Pro Utilize More Processors Software Extensively During

On Linux, type this at the command line: synplifypro The command starts the synthesis tool.Synopsys Synplify P-2019.03-SP1 1.2 Gb Updated: added missing file and video guilde for this release Synopsys, Inc. If you use any other version of the software, results may not exactly match the results in the tutorial, although you can still follow the general methodology described in this document. All compileultra command options support the use of multiple cores for.Start->Programs->Synopsys->FPGA Synthesis D-2010.03->Synplify Pro. I'm fiddling with the options using a trivial blinky led design using two counters and 8 LEDs.Constraints Optimization Environment, TetraMAX, the Synplicity logo, UMRBus. ARM worked closely with Synplicity during the development of the Cortex-M1 processor and used Synplicity’s industry-leading Synplify Pro synthesis software extensively during the development process.Right now I'm trying to get a handle on the best way to set clock speed and timing constraints, specifically using Synplify Pro. Synplicity’s corporate engineering also has access to the Cortex-M1 processor IP to provide mutual customer support.

Synplify Pro Utilize More Processors Manual And Set

Questions I have:Should I set the clock frequency at all in the HDL or should I leave that out and only set it in synthesis options? Or do I need to set it in the HDL and manually match it up with synthesis options?For things like clocks driving counters that then output a "clock", what's the proper way to set constraints? Do I configure it as a false path, a multi cycle path, or what?Should I be trying to use the output of the "slow clock" module directly or should I run the master clock to the led counter module and then gate it with the slow clock?This trivial design will work regardless, but right now I'm more concerned with figuring out how the synthesis tools work in as much detail as possible and tinkering with a simple design to see how the output changes.I'm a bit stumped on this particular issue though because I just don't have enough experience to know what will best help avoid problems in more complex designs.Edit: specifying that the slow clock is a derived clock with an extremely long period doesn't work because the "clock" is so slow that it exceeds the maximum clock period for timing analysis.Timing requirements can still fail on FPGAs can't they?In this specific trivial case it doesn't really matter, but I got a warning message complaining that synthesis had inferred a generated clock and that I should explicitly declare it.Part of the reason this matters for Synplify Pro is that it will do gated clock conversion and generated clock conversion to optimize for the clock tree routing on an FPGA. This also generates a warning.I can read the manual and set constraints here but it's not very clear what the best practices are for clock constraints. That output then goes to a blinky led module that counts up infinitely and reveals the state of the 8 bit counter on some LEDs.Now the important part: when I synthesize this with Synplify pro it correctly detects the primary clock but then detects the "slow clock" module as a clock and gets the timing wrong.

So I think what it did was infer a generated clock, then complained because I was making it guess while asking it to convert clocks (default option was on). Gated clocks get converted to something similar where the gating is applied to CE instead of CLK, and CLK just gets the master clock.But it can't do this conversion if it isn't sure what is a clock. The point seems to be to keep the clock edges as in sync as possible with the master clock to avoid problems.

It has some sort of maximum of 20000ns for clock period so it forces the clock period to that maximum which is wrong. Can I leave the frequency for OSCH out of the HDL and only set it using synthesis constraints? And assuming I can, should I do it that way?I did do that but the derived clock ends up being too slow for syn to want to consider it to be a clock. Seems like something was different between LSE and Synplify. The reason I asked is that the LEDs started blinking faster after loading the new design. (Apparently the maximum clock period is 20us or something.) I think this means that I need to tell it that this is either a false path (meaning "is a clock" = false) or a multi cycle path (though the manual doesn't do a good job explaining what a multicycle path is).I did that, but the thing I'm confused about there is whether this setting in any way overrides the parameter for clock speed in the HDL.

Synplify Pro Utilize More Processors Free From Any

Unless you are talking about configuring the PLL or equivalent device on the FPGA, which might be done there.2: It's ok if the synthesis frequency is higher. Always specify that in a constraint file. The HDL should be free from any actual frequency. If you are using any special pragmas, I'd advise you not to. By setting timing constraints am I implying that I want it to tweak the frequency of the master and derived clocks to fit the constraints?1: I'm not too familiar with any way to specify frequencies in HDL. I was trying to figure out if this optimization was important for larger designs.One big question I have is whether synthesis or mapping will actually alter oscillator frequency to try to meet timing constraints.

synplify pro utilize more processors

Oh well, at least I have a handle on things now. Unfortunately this breaks if clock conversion is enabled because the clock gets renamed and then Diamond gets confused.I'm not sure where the Lattice people came up with these defaults or why this integration is so buggy but it looks like the answer is: 1) disable clock conversion 2) disable reading the LPF file that Symplify writes out and 3) just set clock rates manually in the LPF file.The only reason why the default settings would normally work is that there would be no SDC file, which prevents clock conversion from taking place.What a mess. This seems to include optimize for area (instead of time) along with a global timing goal of 1MHz (which is wrong since this isn't set, but perhaps this is a hack to turn off autoconstraints) and clock conversion set to true.Synplify Pro runs and reads its own FDC constraint file which must be provided by the user.Synplify writes out its own LPF file (Diamond logical preferences file) containing clock speed settings based on the FDC file. By default, Diamond does the following:Generates a TCL script to run synthesis containing some options. Looks like I can set that in the LPF.It looks like I was running into some bizarre integration bugs between Diamond and Synplify.

synplify pro utilize more processors